Did you know that, on average, a sofa lasts anywhere between seven and fifteen years? That might seem like a long time, but seven years go by faster than you’d think. Also, if you really think about it, how sustainable is it to buy a new sofa every seven years?
Even if you opt for cheap pieces of furniture that follow current trends, replacing them every seven years seems like a too significant investment. That’s why it’s much better to get something that’s long-lasting both when it comes to quality and appearance. Bespoke sofas that were tailor-made to your order in Europe are infinitely more sustainable than something that’s mass-produced and trendy at the moment. After all, trends come and go, but classic beauty is timeless.
And speaking of classic beauty, unique pieces of furniture that are tailor-made (like bespoke sofas) will not only outlast any other mass-produced furniture but also allow you to showcase your personal style in your home.
Today, we’re talking about all the advantages of embellishing your living space, be it a living room, an office, or a bedroom, with custom-made sofas.
Bespoke Furniture: a Physical Manifestation of Style
Shopping for furniture isn't an easy feat. Not only do you need to find something you like, but it also has to complement your existing pieces and fit into your space. Depending on your personal style and the size of your rooms, achieving harmony between these three factors might be difficult.
When it comes to sofas, the task is even more difficult. Sofas, be they classic and traditional or modern, contemporary sofas, are often centrepieces of living rooms and offices. They are the focal points that bring all the other pieces together while also standing out.
What's more, sofas are also arguably the most usable furniture you'll have in your living room. They get the most “traffic,” so to say, and that’s just one of the reasons you need to pick them out carefully.
Why Opt for Modern, Made-to-Order Sofas
Tailor-made sofas are the perfect solution if you’re looking to create your “ideal home.” Your vision of an ideal home or excellent aesthetics might not fit into the overall concept of what’s modern on the market. Therefore, you’ll probably have trouble finding mass-produced pieces that fit into your aesthetics.
That’s why tailor-made furniture, like corner sofas that perfectly fit into your space no matter how big or small it is and sofa beds that can transform from a designer sofa into a fully-functional bed, is the perfect solution.
However, that’s not all. There are plenty of other reasons to opt for made-to-measure sofas.
1. High-Quality Materials
One of the best-selling features of all bespoke furniture is the quality of materials. As you’re probably aware, mass-produced furniture makes a profit by being affordable, which leads to selling a lot of pieces. But, in order to make a specific amount of profit while still maintaining the affordability of the product, the companies that produce this furniture have to cut corners.
One of the corners they cut is the quality of the materials. There’s a good reason why the average sofa lasts for only seven years. The material isn’t durable enough to last any longer because it’s of poor quality.
Now, of course, there are ways to get a mass-produced piece that will still be long-lasting. However, to ensure your sofa doesn’t give out on you after a couple of years, you’d probably have to get something that’s pricey or even a designer piece. These pieces are known to be quite expensive because, aside from (usually) being high-quality, they also have the added benefit of being stylish and trendy because they are name-brand products.
Bespoke furniture hits that sweet spot between affordability and quality. When building custom-made furniture, you can specify the exact type and quality of the materials. Therefore, everything is chosen according to your desires.
Bespoke furniture is often of a higher quality than most mass-produced pieces. Not only is mass-produced furniture made quickly, but it’s also often made without high-quality finishes. Therefore, it doesn’t have the same luxurious look (or longevity) that bespoke furniture (that’s made by hand) does.
Tailor-made pieces like our Aino Sofa are hand-crafted, have superb finishes, and are of excellent quality.
2. Versatility
Another great thing about bespoke sofas is that they are versatile. Oftentimes, you see a piece of furniture that you like. However, upon closer inspection (or measuring), you find that it doesn’t really fit your space. What’s more, you also find that it can’t fit all your spaces.
If you’re a frequent mover or are just buying furniture for a temporary space (for example, a rental), then you probably want to opt for versatile pieces. It’s always best to aim for something that can fit into a room no matter its size, lighting, and position.
Bespoke sofas are not only versatile but also statement pieces. That’s especially true for modular sofas from the UNIQAT sofa collection. They adjust to your space and needs and not the other way around.
3. Optimisation of Space
It doesn’t matter how much space you have at your home; it’s always important that you utilise it right. Small-home owners are particularly aware of the space they have at their disposal. Those who are on the smarter side tend to look for furniture and storage options that take up as little space as possible while offering as much function and versatility.
If you have a small living room, for example, or an oddly shaped one (which isn’t impossible in Buckinghamshire and beyond), you probably won’t find a perfect sofa in a store that sells mass-produced furniture. Chances are, actually, that it will be a few inches shorter or wider than you need it to be.
And, sure, you could still make it work. You could put in a couple of two-seater sofas in your living room and ignore that they aren’t long enough for your wall, or opt for a mass-produced wide sofa that fits your space even though it doesn’t fit your style.
But why should you?
Instead, it’s much better to go for a designer, bespoke sofa that will reflect your style and elegance and be a perfect fit for your space. Remember, when it comes to optimising your room, every inch matters!
4. Maximisation of Storage
While we’re on the subject of space optimisation, we can’t help but mention that bespoke furniture can do wonders for your storage space. That’s especially true if you opt for a sofa bed or a corner sofa with a bunker.
If you’re lacking storage space in your home and building new wardrobes and closets isn’t an option, you can always create more space in unusual places. As mentioned, there’s a whole world of functional sofas that double as storage out there. What’s more, you can make sure it’s made to your specifications and needs. That way, you can take advantage and utilise every nook and cranny in your home.
Ordering bespoke sofas means that you can order a piece of furniture that meets your specific storage needs.
5. Custom-Made for Your Style
As mentioned before, a bespoke sofa has the advantage of fitting right into your space not only when it comes to size but also style.
Finding a piece of furniture that you like is a daunting task because it also has to fit well with your existing furniture. And sometimes, that can really be Mission Impossible.
That’s especially true if you opt to buy shop-bought pieces that aren’t from the same collection. Of course, buying multiple pieces that come from the same collection is an easy fix, but it can also dampen your individuality and cramp your style.
Bespoke sofas are the ideal solution. They are adaptable, which means that you can make them look in any way that works for you and the preferred personal design you’ve had in mind. Furthermore, they are versatile, so they can easily be both complementary pieces and the stars of the show.
Of course, oftentimes, the sofa is the centrepiece of any room. Unlike many other features, like wallpaper, accent walls, coffee tables, etc., it can’t be changed that quickly. Well, at least not without breaking the bank.
Therefore, when you do get a sofa, it’s essential that you get one that matches your personal style. Otherwise, you’ll end up regretting it.
6. Personal Comfort with Uniqat
All this talk about style and versatility probably made you think we kind of forgot about the most important thing about sofas: their functionality.
Don’t worry; we didn’t. In fact, functionality and, by extension, comfort, are one of the paramount factors that we consider when creating sofas here at UNIQAT. That’s because we know how important it actually is.
People rarely buy something as significant as a sofa unless they believe they’ll enjoy it. And a massive part of that potential enjoyment is comfort. It’s vital that the sofa you do end up buying is comfortable. Otherwise, it’s just a huge ornament that’s really taking up most of your room.
Bespoke sofas offer superb comfort. As mentioned, they are made thanks to exceptional craftsmanship from high-quality materials. That doesn’t just include premium wood but also the foam used in the cushions.
7. Exclusivity And Uniqueness
Aside from ensuring that your brand-new sofa completely fits your aesthetics, bespoke sofas can also offer you exclusivity and uniqueness.
If you’ve always shied away from mass-produced furniture because it all looks the same, we don’t blame you. Although there are perfectly fine and proper pieces out there on the market, most shop-bought stuff lacks individuality. That’s completely understandable, given that it’s made on a massive scale when it comes to quantity.
Although there’s nothing wrong with wanting a piece of furniture that someone else has, it’s also completely understandable to want something that’s uniquely yours.
All the little changes you ask for while in the process of ordering a bespoke sofa make the final piece more unique than the rest. Taking advantage of the sheer adaptability that custom-made sofas offer means being one step closer to having a completely exclusive piece of furniture that’s unlike anything else currently on the market.
However, all these advantages don’t come at an exorbitant price. If you’d opt for something exclusive and unique that’s already on the market, you’d have to shop for designer pieces and those don’t come cheap. Although it’s impossible to put a price on individuality and style, we’re sure that something more affordable, like bespoke sofas, might be easier to handle.
8. Mementoes For Generations To Come
Finally, tailor-made furniture makes a great memento for the future. Not that long ago, previous generations used to leave everything they owned to their heirs. That often includes the furniture as well. You’ve probably heard someone talk about that 100-year-old rosewood chest their grandma left them. Although they’re lucky they have such a long-lasting piece of furniture, they’re probably also grateful for a wonderful keepsake that reminds them of those who came before them in the family.
Bespoke furniture, a mentioned, is of premium quality and able to withstand the test of time. Therefore, it’s an ideal choice when it comes to becoming a token piece that will be handed down for generations to come.
UNIQAT — Modern Sofas for Unique Living
If you’re looking for a custom sofa that’s modern and stylish but made to last for years, look no further than UNIQAT Sofas. Our modular furniture is an ideal solution for your space, no matter how big or small it may be. With dozens of options of traditional and contemporary styles to choose from, UNIQAT is the place where you can make all your design dreams come true.
As a family-run company, we understand that furnishing a home has to do with so much more than just aesthetics. You need to find pieces that fit into your home and serve your family’s needs. That’s why we offer a wide range of sofas, armchairs, and footstools that will embellish your home and transform your space into an area where your family will gladly reconvene.
If you’re interested in taking a closer look at our sofa collection or would just like to chat about options, email us at hi@uniqat.com.
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